
Wholesale photovoltaic heat pump air conditioning

Energy Storage

Energy storage are devices for storing excess electricity. Their advantages include the ability to use energy at a later time, increasing energy self-sufficiency and serving as a backup energy source.

Our offer includes energy storage facilities:

Pylontech offers energy storage with a capacity of up to 25,9 kWh and a power of up to 24 kW. They are compatible with the EnergyHub system, ready for emergency and off-grid operation, and use safe and long-lasting LiFePO technology.

FoxESS while it offers a modular energy storage with a capacity of 2,9 kWh, scalable to 20,3 kWh. It is characterized by high efficiency, ease of installation and a wide operating temperature range.

Choosing energy storage from Pylontech or FoxESS is a step towards a future where energy self-sufficiency and efficient energy use become the norm.

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